About Me

Debbie Brannan

Once upon a time, a mentor introduced me to a 'People are People First' philosophy that I carry with me today. Before someone is a... [insert fancy title or role here] they are a person, and THAT is who I aim to help grow. 

My greatest strength is in meeting people where they are and leading with authenticity and compassion and sometimes even humor. 

I am a curious coach and consultant that is not afraid to ask those questions that need to be asked, to reveal what needs to be revealed to begin the path towards growth. 

Professionally, With well over 20 years of leadership experience, leadership development and masterful facilitation, I have had this incredible opportunity to gain perspectives from multiple arenas. I am able to draw so much from these "people are people first" moments to coach in ways that make it safe to view challenges from different view points and really dig into new paths, better performance and value alignment.

My work with fortune 50 organizations has allowed me to see the interconnectivity of the world at large. While my work with privately held, family owned businesses steeped in tradition has also highlighted the importance of people feeling connected to the work and relationships.  Working both internally and from an external perspective has been a great way to lean into curiosity and uncover what values and beliefs are helping or no longer serving.

I have a track record of helping individuals and teams realize both strengths and areas for improvement. I have many tools in my coaching toolkit to help clients grow towards their fullest potential.

Personally, I am a Pacific Northwestern native, who has tackled the married life, the single parent life, and the blended family life while juggling aging and a professional career. I am always drawn to water and find my most reflective moments come from being on it, around it or in it. There are so many lessons to be learned about the fluidity of life. 

Relevant certifications include:

  • International Coaching Federation (ICF) ACC 
  • Lee Hecht Harrison (LHH) Certified coach
  • Korn Ferry 
    • The Profilor 360
    • Assessment of Leadership Potential
    • KF360
  • Prosci: ADKAR (Change Management)
  • DISC
  • Facilitative Leadership (Interaction Associates)

I commit to showing up with compassion, courage and realness with my clients every day. Please reach out to learn more.